July 16, 2018 - 7:00 AM
JCC of the Greater Five Towns
207 Grove Avenue
Cedarhurst, NY

Chaverim of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway
and the Marion & Aaron Gural JCC
are pleased to offer an official defensive driving class for the community.
July 16th 2018.
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: The Marion & Aaron Gural JCC
Pre-registration is required, as there are space constraints.
- Course is approved by the NYS-DMV and recognized by all NYS Auto Insurance Companies
- Get a 10% DISCOUNT off your Liability, PIP and Collision Insurance on all your vehicles for up to 3 full years.
- Get up to 4 violation points off your record.
- Easy class with no tests!
Please go to http://chaverim5t.org/defensive-driving-class-sign-up-2018/
to sign up or for more info